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Rare and spectacular Planet-train

Very rare and amazing event can be seen now from the 17th of June till 28th if we are ready to stay awake or rather wake up very early to enjoy this fantastic opportunity.

If you look up to the night sky just before sunrise you will be able to see our 5 planets, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn fully with naked eye, and 4 others with telescope. All planets are actually appear in the order as they are from our Sun, making it extra special 

And if you want to put some cherries on it, the Moon is going to join every night another planet as moves forward on its path until New moon. And to top it up the Pleiadies will also be seen nicely, adding an extra push to the energies coming to Earth.

We can all imagine what powerful energies we will experience this week going closer to the Solstice having this amazing energy blast above our heads.

Headaches, ear ringing, 3rd eye opening, Crown chakra stretching and pushing, emotional ups and down, sleep problems all can be experienced now.

The energies are building up, and we are ready to get more, to rise higher and shine even through the night sky:)

Let's go out one of these nights and enjoy this extraordinary bliss from the universe, that last time happened in hundreds of years, and  for the next time  we will need to wait another hundred to pass by... once in a lifetime experience for sure!

Love and Light,


Elsa Sol - Everyday Consciousness 17.06.2022

Fb: @everyday.consciousness


Prepare with the best telescopes and cameras for astrophotography in case you want to experience this amazing skywatching event.

Telescope deal:

Camera deal: