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06.06 - The energy and message of the day

The energy of today 06.06 is made from two 6 and 0-s, and as they are all doubled we also experiencing a higher level of energy of these numbers.

Number 6 carries the attributes of humanitarianism, community, service to others, home and family, grace, gratitude and simplicity, but also to material issues and provision.  

Number 66 is connected to unconditional love, healing, just as faith and trust in the Divine.

Angel Number 66 brings a message from your angels to put your faith and trust in the Universe as the angels are assisting, guiding and supporting you with manifesting your goals, desires and wishes.

Today the energy also asks you to balance your physical, material and spiritual lives. Focusing on your spirituality and living a conscientious and purposeful lifestyle will ensure that your material needs are met as you serve your Divine life mission. You are supported and guided to have all you wish and need in your material plane. Be open tő receive, as help and support comes from all spiritual realms.

Connect today with your Angels, Guides and Inner self and fill yourself up with all the frequencies you would need to create the life you want to live.Blessed 06.06! Dream, connect, create!

With love, Elsa.

Elsa Sol - Everyday Consciousness 2022.06.06.

Fb: Everyday Consciousness

Pic: pineterst

Source: Sacred Angel Numbers