All about the MOON Reading

We all know and feel how the Moon is effecting us and our days. Before the Full Moon we are already getting tense, nervous, feeling stressed and highly emotional. When newmoon is coming, we are full of plans, we are inspired and feeling smooth.

Moon is effecting us more than we can imagine. I did not know though that we have Moon sign as well, and it can show us more hidden knowledge, talents and emational skills as well. I am always looking for the astrological events and their meanings, as I have experienced how accurate they can be, and how aligned I am with these changes.

I just did this Moon Reading and it made me cry. It was crazy accurate, like everything is known about me already, even more than I do know myself...

I absolutely recommend for anybody who wants to know more about themselves, their purpose on Earth, their skills and hidden possibilities. For me was a big step... and using all these infos will be an even bigger step getting higher and higher in my own Ascension!

Thank you Guys!

If you want to have your own reading you find it here.

Amazing FULL Astrological Reading, crazy accurate!